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Kelly’s Bingo Reading Challenge

Kelly designs a challenge each year to help you expand your reading horizons, and this year she has a bingo card! Complete a line in any direction to be entered […]

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Community Project with Parks and Recreation

City Hall​ 4910 Swinyar Dr, Collegedale

Students that are signed up with the Collegedale Library's Summer Reading Program are encouraged to join the Parks and Recreation Department for a Community Project. We will be supporting our […]

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Preschool Storytime

Library Meeting Room 9318 Apison Pike, Collegedale

Storytime is an early literacy program for ages 3 to 5 years old with stories, music, and movement

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Teen Board Games

Library Meeting Room 9318 Apison Pike, Collegedale

Come and play our board games, or bring your own board games or video games and play with other teens!