Basic Sign Language for Babies and Toddlers

Basic Sign Language for Babies and Toddlers

Our Collegedale neighbor, student and library patron Ms. Ellie will be here to teach us some of the basics of ASL communication to toddlers and baby + their parent, grandparent or other guardian. She will demonstrate greetings, basic words and emotions in order to...
Baby and Toddler Storytime

Baby and Toddler Storytime

This early literacy program for ages 0 to 36 months is designed for activity and movement. *This event will be capped at 40 participants.* Themes: Week 1: Parts of the Body Week 2: Emotions Week 3: Birthdays
Baby and Toddler Storytime

Baby and Toddler Storytime

This early literacy program for ages 0 to 36 months is designed for activity and movement. *This event will be capped at 40 participants.* Theme: Fall Week 1: Apples Week 2: Squirrels/Leaves Week 3:Halloween