Origami Workshop: Autumn Leaves Garland!

Origami Workshop: Autumn Leaves Garland!

Join local Math teacher and origami artist Ms. Shirley for some early Fall fun. We will learn to fold various styles of autumn leaves in this month’s origami workshop. We will provide twine to string these up to make a festive fall garland to hang in your home!...
Origami Workshop: Dinosaurs!

Origami Workshop: Dinosaurs!

Join us for this Dino-roar-some-themed workshop with our local Math teacher Ms. Shirley – where we will learn the art of folding a super cool origami dinosaur! This free activity is open to all community members, no library card requirement!
Tween/Teen Art: Sensory Jars

Tween/Teen Art: Sensory Jars

Let’s make sensory jars! Join us for our monthly craft for teens and  tweens as we make sensory jars. These are great tools for the transition back to school and creating ways to calm and relax yourself.