String Theory

String Theory

Bring any style of needlework project (knit, crochet, cross stitch, embroidery…) to this informal gathering and talk about books, recipes, and whatever else strikes your fancy while you work.
String Theory

String Theory

Bring any style of needlework project (knit, crochet, cross stitch, embroidery…) to this informal gathering and talk about books, recipes, and whatever else strikes your fancy while you work.
Adult Craft: Spider Web Welcome Mats

Adult Craft: Spider Web Welcome Mats

Welcome Fall visitors with your very own custom spider web doormat. This easy, fun spooky season mat is cute layered over a black and white or other solid colored throw rug. Open to participants 17+ years, first come, first served, no library card...
Community Craft Swap

Community Craft Swap

Join the Collegedale Public Library and the Collegedale Parks and Recreation Department for our 1st Annual Community Craft Swap. We will have the West Room in Collegedale City Hall set aside for all community members to bring extra, unused, defunct, etc crafting...
Family Event: Kindness Rocks! Rock Painting!

Family Event: Kindness Rocks! Rock Painting!

Join us for more family Summer Reading program fun! We will paint rocks to encourage reading and/or kindness in our local community. Stop in and paint a rock, or two or three to take with you to hide for your neighbors to find!