Tales and Tails

Tales and Tails

Celebrate the season of love with us at the library! Meet Phoenix, our colorful therapy dog, and his owner Cu for an hour full of heartwarming fun. Enjoy a delightful Valentine’s Day story, interact with Phoenix, and get creative with a dog-themed Valentine’s craft!...
Pizza & Board Games!

Pizza & Board Games!

Join us for a laid back afternoon of board game fun and free pizza dinner! We supply the games and location. This activity is open to all ages and there is no library card requirement. 
Dungeons and Dragons Club

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Join us this month to play D&D! We will meet for session 0 on the 13th to make our characters and then begin the campaign on the 14th and play again on the 28th. No experience is needed. Ages 11+, Limited Availabiliy Session 0 will be held in the library. On the...
Dungeons and Dragons Club

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Join us this month to play D&D! We will meet for session 0 on the 13th to make our characters and then begin the campaign on the 14th and play again on the 28th. No experience is needed. Ages 11+, Limited Availabiliy Session 0 will be held in the library. On the...
Chess Club

Chess Club

Join us for a fun and engaging Chess Club event at the library! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, all skill levels are welcome. Please bring your own board as the library has a limited amount.