Fall Break Monday Matinee: Hocus Pocus 2

Fall Break Monday Matinee: Hocus Pocus 2

Fall Break is coming to Hamilton County Public Schools! The kids are out of school the second week of October 2023. We will be showing Hocus Pocus II (PG), the 2022 sequel to the well-loved 1993 Disney classic Hocus Pocus. Join us the first Monday of Spring Break at...
Adult Craft: Jack-o-Lantern Pumpkin Door Hangers

Adult Craft: Jack-o-Lantern Pumpkin Door Hangers

Welcome Fall! We will be painting wooden pumpkin door hangers for this month’s Adult Craft project. Once we paint and decorate our hangers we will add pretty, decorative Fall ribbon as the finishing touch. These will be great hung inside or outside the home – on...
Closed July 3 & 4

Closed July 3 & 4

The Library will be closed on July 3 & 4. Come celebrate the 4th at Collegedale’s Freedom Celebration on Monday, July 3 beginning at 4:00 pm.