by nwright | May 17, 2024
Have you ever wondered what it takes to make a piñata? Come to the library to find out! You’ll get to design and create your very own. All while learning where they originated from, and you will get to try some sweet treats from this country. Ages 11-17 25...
by nwright | May 17, 2024
There are more than 3,000 species of snakes on the planet, and they’re found everywhere except in Antarctica, Iceland, Ireland, Greenland, and New Zealand. Come learn about some common snakes in Tennessee and have a meet and greet with a real-life (domesticated)...
by nwright | Apr 22, 2024
Let’s learn how to make crystals with a common household product…. Borax! Ages 10-17 20 breakable geodes are available first come, first served basis Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math
by nwright | Apr 22, 2024
Ever wonder what elephants brush their teeth with?! If an elephant did use toothpaste, this is probably what it’d look like! Come to the library and learn about chemical reactions by watching this heat-producing mixture bubble. If you have safety glasses,...
by nwright | Mar 15, 2024
Look up at the sky! Is it a drone? Is it a plane? No! It’s our backyard birds. Join us at the library to make pinecone birdfeeders for our feathery friends. Once we are finished we will hang them up outside the library. If weather permits we will take a hike out...