by nwright | Nov 19, 2023
Kids, Tweens, and Teens are invited to build cool Lego figures and make them move with simple scratch programming! No experience with Lego or coding required. Pre-registration is no longer required!
by nwright | Oct 27, 2023
Our Collegedale neighbor and library patron Ms. Sharon will be here to teach us some of the basics of ASL communication. She will demonstrate greetings, basic words and emotions in order to greet our deaf friends in the community. Have you ever wished you could sign...
by nwright | Oct 27, 2023
Join us as we welcome local artist Jennifer Kring ( who will teach us the basics of painting a winter watercolor scene at the library. We will sip sparkling grape juice, listen to holiday music and create a winter...
by nwright | Oct 22, 2023
Join us for an exciting event in the west room at city hall! Creature Features will visit us to present their baby kangaroo and teach us about these interesting animals. This event is for all ages, however, there is only room for 35 people so sign up soon! All...
by nwright | Sep 29, 2023
Our Collegedale neighbor and library patron Ms. Sharon will be here to teach us some of the basics of ASL communication. She will demonstrate greetings, basic words and emotions in order to greet our deaf friends in the community. Have you ever wished you could sign...