D.I.Y. Tote Bags – Family Drop-in

D.I.Y. Tote Bags – Family Drop-in

Drop-in from 4:00-7:00 PM on Tuesday, July 18th for our Make-You-Own Book Tote Bag workshop. We supply the canvas totes, stencils and Sharpies and you bring the creativity. Design your own tote bag to hold all of your Summer Reading books this year. This is such a fun...
Collegedale Rocks! Family Garden Snake Project

Collegedale Rocks! Family Garden Snake Project

It’s Summer time and we would love your help creating our inaugural rock-garden-art project. Everyone will grab a rock and paint their own unique design. Each rock will be used to create a long “garden snake” that will decorate the library’s...
Teen Minecraft

Teen Minecraft

Hang out in our Minecraft realm and build cool structures and collaborate on projects with other teens!